How do you know you’re in a premium position to:
agitate, sell your car, interfere with an election,
compromise, come out, perform, join, look for a new job, show an artwork, make a lane change, strike, call a friend for advice, get pregnant, speak, write, marry, get a dog, blow the whistle, borrow money, move, take the lead, respond, submit, commit, abort, have surgery, say no, say yes, cut to the chase, share, comment, cover it up, separate, sign, direct, invest, divest, adopt, tell it like it is, start a movement, leave the country, step down, give advice, get high, give it a restTwo other considerations affect evaluation of significance:
association and period of significance. Association refers to the direct connection between the ARTWORK and the time of significance for which it is nominated. For an ARTWORK to be significant under historic events (Criterion A), the physical structure must have been there to "witness" the event or series of events; they must have actually occurred. For an ARTWORK to be significant for an association with an ARTIST (Criterion B), the ARTIST should have lived, worked, or been on the premises during the period in which the ARTIST accomplished the activities for which the ARTIST is considered significant. Period of significance refers to the span of time during which significant events and activities occurred. Events and associations with ARTISTS are finite; most ARTWORKS have a clearly definable period of significance.An ARTWORK is evaluated for its integrity: the authenticity
of physical characteristics from which ARTWORKS obtain their significance. When ARTWORKS retain historic material and form, they are able to convey their association with events, people, and designs from the past.All ARTISTS change over time. Changes do not necessarily
mean that an ARTIST is not eligible; but, if they have radical changes, they may no longer retain enough historic fabric, and may not be eligible for the _____________. Historic integrity is the composite of seven qualities: location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling and association.Contributing ARTWORKS are those ARTWORKS identified as
“Contributing” in the Historic Resources survey for the ___________. Generally, “Contributing” ARTWORKS will have been built within the historic Period of Significance of the ARTIST, and will retain elements that identify it as belonging to that period. The historic period of significance of the ARTIST is usually the time period in which the majority of construction in the area occurred. In some instances, ARTWORKS that are compatible with the ARTWORKS of that period or that are historic in their own right, but were built outside of the Period of Significance, will also be “Contributing”.Non-contributing ARTWORKS are those ARTWORKS identified as
not retaining their historic character as a result of un- reversible alterations, or as having been built outside of the Period of Significance or because they are vacant lots.